Case Studies

The supermarket chain employs new workers with minimal risk

The supermarket chain employs new workers with minimal risk

Large supermarket chain operating throughout Croatia.


The client had a big turnover of sales staff/cashiers during the first three months of employment and difficulties finding quality permanent staff at locations throughout Croatia.

DEKRA solution

They were offered the Try & Hire service, in which the recruitment and selection of workers was DEKRA's task. The employees are hired by DEKRA for a period of three months. During this time they are assigned to the user/client for a trial run. After the three probationary months, the user/client decides whether to hire the assigned agency workers directly or not. If not, then DEKRA will be hiring new employees for a new probationary period.

DEKRA Services Used

  • 1.

    Process acceleration

    DEKRA recruits and selects candidates for the client.

  • 2.

    Regional coverage

    HR departments are often located in the company's headquarters, which makes recruiting and selecting staff at other places difficult. DEKRA has offices in almost every major city.

  • 3.

    Switching problems

    The client's HR department could focus on internal procedures and tasks and let DEKRA to resolve the issue of sales staff/cashier turnover.

  • 4.

    Reduction of internal administration

    DEKRA did the administrative part of the work, which was in line with the legal framework.

